About Us
Northlondonbudo is a traditional dojo teaching Iaido and Kobudo to small classes of students. After 26 years of training the classes offer an insight in to the old way of training. Classes are small, and information is passed on in a one-to -one type of teaching. Although private tuition is available the classes are small enough to give every student an individually tailored type of tuition. No experience is needed to join either Iaido or Kobudo, but an interest in Japanese history or culture could prove usefull. Classes are structured in a layered manner adding depth to the kata and aplication as the student progresses.
Gradings are held anually under the auspices of the Dukuritsu budo remnei. Special courses are also held on subjects including Tameshigiri(target cutting). No eqipment is needed to join a class initially as we do not believe that students should have to ‘fork out’ lots of money initially-as koryu training is not for everyone!
You are welcome to come down and watch or try a class before you join. Everyone(over 16 years old) is welcome to come and train in a mature, and safe atmosphere, regardless of experience, age or physical strength!