A sample bo kata-ShuShiNoKon.

The first Itotsuryu Bo kata

Begin facing forwards with the bo or kon (Usually the kon is the tapered version) gripped thumb down in the right hand. Bow to the front. Either you bow with the bo, or you  leave the bo in a vertical position whilst bowing. Do one or the other, as opposed to a cross between the two! Reach across with the left hand (pic 1)and
take hold of the bo below the right shoulder with the thumb facing down. Now
spin the bo round in an upwards direction ending with the left hand above the
right. Do not change the hand position and try not to obscure your eyes.
Complete this initial movement as your left foot moves out to beneath the
shoulder.(pic 2) Relax your left hand by your side. Now slowly reach up and
once again grab the bo with your pinky/little finger uppermost and withdraw
your left hip. Next step back with the left leg and simultaneously strike up
with the left hand, driving the left hip forwards.(pic 3)Follow this by striking down with the right hand,  pulling the left hand back. (pic 4)This is done as one combination. Now move the left leg forwards and assume a low kiba-dachi as you bring the hands back, by your left side.(pic 5) Then bring your hands forwards, thrusting the bo forwards as you let your weight come back up.(pic 6) Now block low on your left hand side by bringing the bo up under your left armpit, and then down sharply-this is kobudo’s gedan-barai(pic 7). It is impotant to push the hip in strongly here.  Next complete a direct two handed block to your leg on the left ending with your left hand above your right-again with little finger uppermost. (pic 8)Now spin on the spot to your right holding the same blocking position. Your right leg should be in front.(pic 9) Now complete the combination by striking up with the left(pic 10) and down with the right-as you did at the start of the kata.(pic 11)                                                                                                                                               The next combination is to your front. Begin with a left gedan barai with the left leg forwards and the right leg bent. Follow this by blocking sharply to the inside right leg. (pic 14)Then strike up with the left side, and down with the right. This four move combination is repeated a number of times in the kata. Now repeat this combination to your left beginning with the left leg forwards. End with the right leg forwards.

An application of the final move!

The next combination is the same-but to the right. Start it by spinning on the spot and blocking on the left. End with your right leg forwards.
Next repeat the combination to the front again-this is the fourth combination. This one differs from the others slightly. After the first move( the gedan-barai block)  thrust strongly down, kiai-ing as the bo strikes the top of your opponents foot. At the end of this five move combination your right leg is forwards.
Cross step with your right leg as you move rearwards and bring the bo up above your right shoulder.(pic 12) As you step down with the left leg, into kibadachi-strike down from your right hand side to a horizontal position.(pic 13) Then slide your right foot out as you block on the right hand side facing forwards. Strike up and down as before. Step back with your right leg and block high above your head with both hands.(pic 15) Now whirl the bo round and strike from above your head. Move your left leg out to the left, as you drop your weight and strike. (pic 16)This is a powerfull whirling motion which when practiced with a partner quite often snaps both bo!
Step round with the right leg and block from the outside-covering your right leg. Strike up and down as before. From this chudan guard kamae position thrust forwards to the opponents solar plexus with kiai. The last combatative move of the kata is to curl the right wrist round. This is done after the thrust so is interpreted as a counter to a grab-similar to the ikyu lock. When this move is executed before a thrust it is a disengaging move to expose the kidneys!
Finish the kata by stepping up and twirling the bo up to the bowing position, prior to your bow.

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